Friday, March 27, 2015

Cigar Galaxy (M82)

M82 is located in Ursa Major near M81. It is about 12 million light years away and is about fie times more luminous than the Milky Way. It is undergoing a very high rate of star formation, so high that it will consume most its star forming gas in less time than the age of the galaxy. Apparently, gravitational tidal forces from its larger neighbour M81 have deformed the galaxy and caused the massive star formation. The image was captured in Tucson in March 2015 - 22 10-minute subs. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Bode's Galaxy (M81)

M81 is a spiral galaxy located in Ursa Major about 12 million light years away. It has a diameter of 70,000 light years and a mass of 250 billion suns, somewhat heavier than the Milky Way. Image taken in Tucson March 2015 - 26 10-minute subs.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Cone Nebula & Christmas Tree Cluster

This image taken at the Chirichua Astronomy Center in the foothills of the Chirichua Mountains southeast of Tucson in January 2015 – 15 10-minute subs. Comparison of the image with the one taken in Tucson (below) shows the impact of city lights. 

Cone Nebula & Christmas Tree Cluster (NGC2264)

A large open star cluster in Monoceros. It consists of about 80 stars and is embedded in an extensive nebulosity of ionized hydrogen gas. The Cone nebula is on the extreme right. The cluster spans about 20 light years and is about 2,600 light years away. Image taken in Tucson in January 2015 – 15 10-minute subs.

Triangulum Galaxy (M33)

This spiral galaxy is located in Triangulum about 2.8 million light years away. It is the third largest galaxy in our local group after the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies. With an angular diameter of 50,000 light years it is about about half that of the Milky Way. It is estimated to contain about 30 to 40 billion stars. Image taken in Abbotsford in August 2014 - 32 10-minute subs.


IC410 is a bright emission nebula in Auriga containing the open star cluster NGC1893 and is located just East of IC405. It is about 12,000 light years away.The nebula is shaped by stellar winds and radiation from NGC1893. Image was taken in Tucson in December 2014 - 29 - 10-minute subs. 

Flaming Star Nebula (IC405)

IC405 is an emission nebula in Auriga about 1,500 light years away. It is about 5 light years across. Image was taken in Tucson in November 2014 – 26 10-minute subs.