Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Eagle Nebula (M16)

This image was taken in Abbotsford on July 9th, 2013.  It consists of 7 10-minute subs registered and combined in CCDStack and finished in Photoshop CS5. The guiding was not as good as previous nights and I stopped taking subs earlier than intended. The stars are not as round as I would like. I will realign the mount at the next opportunity and resume imaging.  The image is still worth posting, despite the poorer than normal guiding.

The Eagle Nebula is in Serpens (in the south-eastern sky) about 6,000 light years away.  The center of the nebula is an area of active star formation.  The slightly darker structures in the center are the "Pillars of Creation" made famous by a 1995 image taken from the Hubble Space Telescope.

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